FY 01 Program of Work
Project Name District Implementation Plan Yr Contract Type* DFPZ Acres GS Acres ITS Acres Sawlog Volume CCF Biomass Volume CCF Date of Adv/Award
Cherry Hill DFPZ ALRD 2000 STS 875 0 0 2152 5436 4/9/2001
Prattville DFPZ ALRD 2001 STS 1,356 0 0 5002 4404 4/6/2001
Shanghai Fanani DFPZ AFRD 2001 SC 302 0 0 0 0 9/30/2001
West Dusty DFPZ ALRD 2001 SC 684 0 0 0 0 9/30/2001
Pinnacle DFPZ ALRD 2000 SC 122 0 0 0 0 9/30/2001
Bidwell DFPZ ELRD 2001 TS 393 0 0 2645 3784 7/24/2001
Grays DFPZ ELRD 2001 TS 1,020 0 0 3344 9033 8/21/2001
Southside DFPZ ELRD 2001 TS 399 0 0 4053 5584 9/25/2001
Logan 2 DFPZ ELRD 2001 SC 91 0 0 0 0 9/29/2001
Harvey 2 DFPZ ELRD 2001 STS 79 0 0 310 1102 9/30/2001
Cantelope DFPZ ELRD 2001 SC 250 0 0 0 0 9/14/2001
T-Rex DFPZ ELRD 2001 FA 500 0 0 0 0 12/1/2000
Harvey DFPZ/GS ELRD 2001 TS 1,250 101 0 4740 5584 9/27/2001
Logan DFPZ Thinning ELRD 2001 TS 1,030 0 0 4600 13228 9/27/2001
Pegleg GS ELRD 2001 TS 0 357 0 8520 3104 9/25/2001
Sandy Hand Thin DFPZ ELRD 2001 FA 500 0 0 0 0 12/1/2000
Blacks Ridge DFPZ/GS HCRD 2001 TS 3,028 750 0 13779 32789 9/27/2001
North Coble DFPZ/GS HCRD 2001 TS 2,336 450 0 7448 19760 9/27/2001
Pittville North DFPZ HCRD 2000 STS 953 0 0 0 4000 4/9/2001
Pittville South DFPZ HCRD 2000 STS 1,016 0 0 0 4000 4/9/2001
Lassen Total       16,184 1658 0 56,593 111,808  
FY 01 Program of Work Continued  
Project Name District Implementation Plan Yr Contract Type DFPZ Acres GS Acres ITS Acres Sawlog Volume CCF Biomass Volume CCF Date of Adv/Award
Red Clover DFPZ BRD 2000 STS 1196 0 0 843 2477 10/17/2000
Spike Buck 2 DFPZ BRD 2000 SC 1347 0 0 0 0 9/28/2001
Dotta Hand Thin DFPZ BRD 2000 SC 157 0 0 0 0 9/18/2001
Red Clover 2 DFPZ BRD 2000 STS 447 0 0 694 2209 9/5/2001
Stony Ridge DFPZ BRD 2001 STS 1264 0 0 0 0 9/30/2001
Red Mtn-Arkansas DFPZ FRRD 2000 SC 717 0 0 0 0 11/13/2000
Lower Slate DFPZ  FRRD 2001 STS 3,510 0 0 4560 2670 9/30/2001
Upper Slate DFPZ FRRD 2001 SC 1,582 0 0 0 0 9/30/2001
Antelope-Border DFPZ MHRD 2000 STS 2,100 0 0 0 9583 2/16/2001
Kingsbury Rush DFPZ MHRD 2001 SC 3,826 0 0 0 0 9/30/2001
Waters DFPZ MHRD 2001 STS 4,275 0 0 400 3800 9/30/2001
Plumas Total       20,421 0 0 6,497 20,739  
Beak DFPZ/GS SVRD 2001 TS 302 112 0 3829 1628 9/29/2001
Basque it 2 DFPZ SVRD 2003 SC 94 0 0 0 0 9/25/2001
Basque it DFPZ SVRD 2003 FA 56 0 0 0 0 9/30/2001
Leftover DFPZ SVRD 2000 TS 862 115 528 17885 7665 8/9/2001
Lahonton DFPZ SVRD 2000 TS 502 64 0 6,980 3720 9/6/2001
Tahoe Total       1,816 291 528 28,694 13,013  
Pilot Area Total       38,421 1949 528 91,784 145,560